Do You Have an Accessible Website?

Do you want an accessible website? Submit your site for a chance to get a short report on how your site can be more accessible. What Does Your Accessible Website Need? Accessibility means designing for people with disabilities. Compare this with inclusive design. An inclusive design is good for both people with disabilities and without….

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Designing for Mental Health Workshop

For designers, the mental health space is a difficult one to reach. Hundreds of apps flood the app store offering to cure depression, bipolar disorder, and other behavioral health issues. But few are clinically tested or have proven their validity. That’s why Mad*Pow is hosting a Designing for Mental Health Workshop. At Mad*Pow we want…

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How Long Should My Page Be? It Depends.

One of the most infuriating – and most often used – statements in a UX practitioner’s vocabulary is “it depends.” It comes up when people ask everything from “how many photos should be on my homepage” to “how many items should be in top nav?” to “how long should my page be?” It depends. While…

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Content Strategy Gratitude

I’m grateful for many things. Some are personal, others professional. I’ve worked hard to build my career, and been exceptionally lucky to see that pay off. This year, I’m feeling particularly grateful. It’s more than just personal gratitude. It’s content strategy gratitude. My Content Strategy Gratitude What makes me feel so great this year? Here…

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Mental Health Design Guidelines

If you search “depression” on the App Store, you’ll find over 500 apps. They promise everything from relieving symptoms of depression to “curing” bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, there are almost no regulations on what can be published. And while some are fantastic, many others inadvertently hurt the very people they are trying to help. Why? In…

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What’s an Email Campaign?

I can’t tell you how often I hear someone refer to a single email as a “campaign.” An email campaign is a series of emails, connected by one over-arching goal and a strategy for how to engage the recipient. A single email may share useful information. It may be great marketing. But it’s not a…

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Mental Health and Behavior Change

In the past few weeks, I’ve given talks on Behavior Change and on Mental Health. What do mental health and behavior change have in common? The overlap is mostly in their connection to health care and content strategy. In my talk on Content Strategy for Behavior Change, I explain how content strategy plays a role…

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GatherContent Advent Calendar

Last year, the team at GatherContent gave a wonderful holiday present to the content strategy community: a GatherContent Advent Calendar. The calendar offered a new, 5 minute video each day from a content strategist offering advice. This year they’ve continued the GatherContent Advent Calendar. And I’m excited to share my contribution to the tradition. My GatherContent…

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Recommended Reading: Contagious

I can’t recommend Contagious, by Jonah Berger, enough. Very few books get a 5 star rating from me. 5 stars, to me, means this book was so fantastic that I want to own it, so that I can reread it again and again. The few books that do get this rating tend to be classics…

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Content Strategy 2015 Highlights

It’s been a big year for the field of content strategy. New ideas and trends come every year, but in 2015 we saw a few key ideas gain traction, and the content strategy community helped those ideas evolve into true calls to action. Here are three highlights from my year.

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