TYPO3 Neos

It’s been over a year since Karen McGrane began presenting on “Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content.” Her message has been heard far and wide. For many content strategists, “create once, publish everywhere” is an abstract idea. We ask ourselves “how can we manipulate our CMS to best allow a inline editing with previews that accurately represent our responsive design and adaptive content?” But even once content strategists begin to think in terms of content for multiple uses it isn’t easy. Many are forced to leave their clients with a multi-device strategy and a CMS that doesn’t reflect the mentality.

Enter TYPO3 Neos

neosRasmus Skjoldan is working on the solution. Rasmus and the Neos team at TYPO3 are attempting to create a CMS with multiple, customizable previews. This will help users visualize content across multiple devices and browsers. Not only is this a new technical challenge, but the team needs to consider the user experience. Clients using Neos will ideally find the CMS reinforces the multi-device strategy content strategists have been touting. Done wrong, the CMS will do nothing but confuse the already tangled web of adaptive content.

My New Project

I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be helping out Rasmus and the Neos team. I’ll put on my “UX consultant” hat but still wear my “content strategist” brain. Hopefully that will provide them with some valuable insight.

To see some of my own CMS ideas, influenced heavily by Sara Watcher-Boettcher‘s recent book, head over to UX Booth.

Do you have suggestions for the future of the CMS? Now’s the time to get your voice heard – just leave a comment and let me know.

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4 comments Add yours
  1. Extremely delighted to have you on board. Reaching out from a developer-centric technical wonder and into the spheres og CS and UX has been a long-standing goal for us.

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