Start with (CMS) Requirements

Over the years I’ve worked with many content management systems (CMSs) and seen many lists of CMS requirements. I’ve read Deane Barker‘s (phenomenal) book Things You Should Know, as well as numerous blog posts, and even helped a few organizations migrate from one CMS to another. Yet when my team began discussing the ideal CMS…

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Health Mindset Matters, so Health Language Matters

How does a health mindset affect health behaviors? This was the question asked at Mindset 2021, where Dr. Alia Crum spoke on Harnessing Mindset in 21st Century Healthcare. In Dr. Crum’s talk, she explained: A mindset is a core assumption about a domain or category that orients us to a particular set of expectations, attributions,…

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How can Content Strategists Address Racism in Healthcare?

What can content strategists do to address racism and place-ism in healthcare? In J. Nwando Olayiwola’s TEDx talk Combating Racism and Place-ism in Medicine, she speaks to the serious problem of racism in medicine. Racism leads to higher mortality rates and poorer care for black men and women. For example, health professionals assume black patients…

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How to Be a Content Therapist

I sometimes hear a content strategist joke about being a “content therapist”. But it’s not so far off! Most of content strategy isn’t about writing. It’s about listening. In a way, we are (unlicensed) therapists. Content therapists! In other words, we need to understand how people feel in order to communicate with them. How we…

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How to Handle Content Debt

As we approach the end of the year, many organizations are having their annual conversation around design freezes and technical debt. This year I found myself wondering: why don’t we have end-of-year freezes to spend time on content debt? What is “Debt”? Technical debt typically refers to work that piles up and never has a…

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