What is “User Engagement”?

I hear a lot about how UX can improve “user engagement”. It sounds great – you want people to use something, so it needs to engage them. But the more we use it, the less clearly we define it. Usability Geek talks about gamification as the secret to engagement. Meanwhile, UX Collective has 7 rules…

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Something New for 30 Days

In 2011, Matt Cutts gave a TED talk called: Try Something New for 30 Days. In it, he speaks to a way of setting and achieving goals: doing something new for 30 days. But the catch is that at the end of 30 days, Cutts moves on to something new. When I think of my…

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What’s a Critical User Journey?

When I first heard about Critical User Journeys (CUJ) I found myself asking: aren’t all user journeys critical? But in a way, the CUJ is like a minimum viable product marker for users: what are the journeys they most need? Personally, one of my favorite things about working in UX is watching old ideas come…

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Misconceptions of AI

When I read Automating Inequality I thought about the many misconceptions of AI (artificial intelligence). Many companies market AI, machine learning, and digital in general as “magic”. But that’s not a helpful way to think about work. When we think of it as “magic” we forget that it’s nuanced. More importantly, we forget that we…

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Algorithms Inherit Human Intentions

How do you make a digital tool better? Start with the manual work. Digital tools and algorithms can make manual processes better, but only if our manual processes improve as well. All algorithms inherit human intentions. And without conscious effort, algorithms inherit human bias. Is tech moving too fast? There are two seemingly opposing statements…

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Invisible Personalization

Why is personalization invisible? I believe it has something to do with how humans think of themselves. People tend to think of themselves (ourselves) as in control. This is particularly true when things are going well. For example: When someone has a successful business they rarely acknowledge how much of success is based on luck….

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Can UX Design Change Behavioral Heuristics?

Behavioral heuristics are mini short-cuts our brains take. Recently I’ve been wondering if those heuristics can be changed. A little background… In Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman explores two types of thinking. First there is “System 1”, or what some people might call instinct. System 1 is heavily influenced by heuristics. Then there’s “System…

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Are Robots Sexist? No, Humans Are.

In 2019 the UN released a report showing gender bias in AI. 71% more targeted awful things said to female assistants than not. In other words, the robots were sexist. But are robots really sexist? Of course not. Robots are products, and they do what their builders (consciously or unconsciously) tell them to do. Why…

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