How to Localize your Examples

When I think about a common snack food, I think of apples and peanut butter. But in many cultures peanut butter is a bizarre food, not a common snack. So in a recent localization conversation, a coworker asked “should we remove all examples?” The answer is no. Localize your examples! As we localize to different…

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Readability in Practice: My Grade Level in Covid

I consider myself something of an expert in readability (and specifically health literacy). Yet I was shocked to find that this spring, consumed by Covid stress, I couldn’t read at all. I now have my own experience to help me empathize with readability challenges. What is Readability? Can you read? It’s easy to think about…

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How to Create Unbiased Mental Models

One of my favorite best practices in UX is the use of “mental models”. Mental models help UX designers and content strategists create experiences that make sense. For example, a mental model of a door has it open from the side. This is a mental model so ingrained that no one would think to design…

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Clear Language Means Clear Understanding

As a content strategist, it’s easy to focus on clear language. But in my experience, the first step is understanding what you’re trying to say. A colleague recently asked me for help making a presentation clearer, before handing it off to a client. He sent me the paragraph of text he was struggling with. As…

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Plain Language during a Pandemic

What can a content strategist do during a pandemic? Help communicate important information using plain language. I’ve defined plain language before, and even presented on how healthcare writing can benefit from plain language. Now we put it into practice to help people. People need content strategy – they need plain language during a pandemic. Why…

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How to Write About (and During) Coronavirus

It’s hard to write during the coronavirus pandemic. For one thing, it’s hard to focus on writing. My brain is pivoting to fear and worry, and also to nonessential things. What’s for lunch? How long is my hair getting? What happens if I get sick? Did anyone cough on me during my run yesterday? What’s…

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How SEO Taught Me to be a Better Writer

As an ex-SEO hater, it almost pains me to say this: SEO taught me to be a better writer. I didn’t think of it this way until I read a 2018 article by Jill Kurtz, called “Ditch Your SEO Baggage and Focus on What Matters.” Suddenly, as I read Jill’s perspective on SEO, I saw…

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