Where’s Amanda in 2022?

Where will you find Amanda in 2022? After a few years with no flights and few talks, I’m looking forward to more conferences this year. That means a little more travel, and a lot more fun. Come join me! Why attend conferences? For me there are several reasons to go to conferences. I am inspired…

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Using Content as Guidance

Working at an Alphabet company has its perks. One of those perks is management training! And in both management and content strategy, we use content as guidance to help people reach their goals. It’s funny to realize that my first role as a manager was in 2012. I remember asking my manager at the time…

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Writing for Health Literacy Workshop Slides

Rick Allen and I led a workshop on writing for health literacy this morning, as part of the Health Experience Design conference. I’m so grateful to have had a great group of participants. We were able to discuss how health literacy is impacted by social determinants, and resources to write for plain language. Health Literacy…

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Healthy Language is Plain Language

If you missed my webinar on how to write in plain language, never fear! I have the slides, and a recording, so you can still learn how to help patients and caregivers understand what you’re saying. Ultimately, if you work in healthcare and you want “healthy” language? You need plain language. There are many reasons…

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Accessible Design in 20 Minutes

Looking for a quick-n-dirty guide to accessible design in 20 minutes? I gave this talk to my team as an intro, and I’m happy to share it. It’s full of tips and tricks. Accessible Design and Content in 20 Minutes from Amanda Pierce Looking for More on Accessible Design? Here’s a more detailed article on…

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Why I Care About Financial Wellness

Financial wellness? Sounds boring. Worse, the finance industry is embroiled in scandals, corruption, and poor user experiences. Why would someone who cares about people want to enter the world of banks, wealth management, and financial institutions? Because people need us. Financial wellness is at stake. Banking is Not Human In spite of the commercials telling…

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Planning and Writing for Voice UI

Last week I gave a talk on planning and writing for voice UI. In the talk, I explored a few important concepts: A voice interface is not right for every experience. Voice interfaces are different from chatbots and other conversational interfaces. When you are creating a voice interface – either for a car, a new…

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Accessibility in Design and Content: Webinar

If you’re looking for ways to make your work more accessible, you don’t have to start with development. Accessibility in design and content is an important factor! That’s why my colleague James Christie and I gave a webinar last week on accessibility. The focus of the webinar was accessibility in healthcare, but the skills and…

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