We are all content marketers now, by Charles Cooper
We’ve used many techniques, but it’s all communication. The content is the same; it’s how we display it that changes. The Bible, for example, has been on everything from handwritten to typeset to printed to tablet.
People remember more if they’re engaged
- The mindset hasn’t changed – we’ve focused on what we’re sending out
- We need to change the mindset – it’s a 2-way conversation
- We get more feedback face-to-face
- If we focus on output, we don’t engage people. It’s just a broadcast.
- People fear trolls
- Who Cares?!
- We lose when we don’t get feedback
- Actors and comedians work with feedback from the audience
- Electronics and human resources request feedback
- This is why we need to do content marketing, not just marketing/sales
What is content marketing?
- Information that benefits the user and meets the business’ needs
- Bring writers and readers together to share information
- How do we do this as tech writers?
- Understand the customer needs
- Leave the customer satisfied (through manuals, help text, etc)
- Tell a story
- Make it shareable
- Most of all: TALK to each other
When writing complex technical documentation, make sure you’re not causing more problems than you’re solving.
Key things to keep in mind
- Titles are important
- Technical communicators keep things short and task based
- Marketers go for inviting and memorable
- It all depends on what the purpose is
- Titles identify what the user should expect when they click
- Make it shareable
- Marketers and branding people are good at this
- Technical communicators – ask for help! get advice! it’s their job!
- Rich media
- Tell a story
- For marketers it’s content + brand
- For technical communicators, it’s often just information (just content) with no context (brand)
- Not everything needs to be a long story. Some things are just enough to provide context.