Live from LavaCon: The United Nations of Content

The United Nations of Content: From Warring Kingdoms to Enterprise-wide Collaboration, by Cruce Saunders

“The fight for the soul of content is very real.” We fight for budget and resources and time. Content gets created by a small group focused on that one need or output. Each bit of output, created by a separate team, creates factionalism.

We need to find common ground. How do we do that?

  1. Integrated, intelligent customer experience. We need to stop thinking about our single departments’ experiences. Customers need content to go across the lifestyle and be relevant.
  2. Scaling content across platforms, channels, and languages. A shared set of core content that can be reused helps all teams to think about common needs.
  3. Empowering creators and customers. Remember that we want our customers to succeed, and so we need to make their lives easier.

How do we create common ground?

  • Semantic standards – shared tags.
  • Structural standards – a single content model.
  • Supply chain thinking – optimize across a company, not department.
  • Content as a service

Leadership is a big piece of this. Leaders will help to unify departments with a common set of patterns. This creates an organization-wide content function.

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