Three Requirements of Good Microcopy

Microcopy, as defined by Nick Babich of UX Planet, “is the term for the small bits of copy on a apps’s interface that help users do ‘stuff’.” Microcopy is the same as copy. However, it is differentiated from long-form because too often it is overlooked. What not many people recognize is that microcopy does more…

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My Fight with Yoast: a Microcopy Example

Yoast and I are in a fight. It began this morning, when I began using the Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress for a new client’s site. Our conversation went something like this: Me: Hi Yoast! Yoast: Hi! You should add a focus keyword for this page. Me: Great idea. I’ll add the keyword I think…

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How Long Should My Page Be? It Depends.

One of the most infuriating – and most often used – statements in a UX practitioner’s vocabulary is “it depends.” It comes up when people ask everything from “how many photos should be on my homepage” to “how many items should be in top nav?” to “how long should my page be?” It depends. While…

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Content Testing: Pros and Cons

Sara Zailskas Walsh recently made a solid case for content testing. Here’s a blurb from her Medium article that summarizes the benefits: “How Does Content Testing Help Design? Here are three big benefits: It helps designers establish the framework for our conversations with customers. It helps designers understand the words we need to use so customers understand…

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How to Write with Empathy

“There exists a new upper class that’s completely disconnected from the average white American and American culture at large, argues Charles Murray, a libertarian political scientist and author.” –Do You Live in a Bubble? (PBS) I live in a bubble. I have a career I chose and love. My friends are informed and enjoy political…

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How to Write Useful Articles

As the managing editor at UX Booth, I see a lot of article submissions. Over the years, I’ve started to get a sense for whether or not an article will be relevant and valuable for UX practitioners. Only it’s not “a sense.” It’s actually an observation of patterns, and one I apply to articles I…

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